Shasta-Cascade Updates

March 16th is SBDC Day in Shasta and Trinity Counties


• Annual celebration of the collective impact of SBDCs across the nation
• Learn more: visit our Facebook page or drop by the Redding library on 3/16 between 10-1

REDDING, CA, March 15, 2022 — For over 40 years, America’s Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Network has helped millions of men, women, veteran and minority entrepreneurs and small business owners start and grow their businesses.

The local Shasta-Cascade SBDC will join the nearly 1,000 other SBDC centers across the US on March 16th to celebrate the collective impact and success the program has fostered.

SBDCs provide no-cost advisory services and workshops for small businesses. Entrepreneurs and small business owners meet, in a confidential setting, with subject matter experts to address just about any topic, issue or question. Our local SBDC has access to experts in starting and funding a business, buying and selling a business, hiring, firing, accounting, marketing, social media, patents, trademarks, budgeting, finance, management, planning, contracting and many other areas.

Since 2001, our local SBDC center has produced some amazing results in Shasta and Trinity counties. We have invested more than 23,000 hours working with 5,000+ businesspeople. We also hosted over 1,000 training sessions with nearly 13,000 attendees.

As a result, these entrepreneurs and small business owners have:

• Obtained $39.3 million in loans / investments
• Realized $53.3 million in increased sales
• Started over 200 new businesses and
• Created over 1200 new jobs.

All our services come at no cost to the client; they are prepaid by the US Small Business Administration and the California Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz).

To celebrate these impacts, on Wednesday, March 16th we will be featuring some specific impacts on small businesses on our Facebook page (@ShastaSBDC). Also, our lead advisor, Joe Rodola, will be at the Redding library from 10am to 1pm – we encourage you to stop by, say hello and learn what the SBDC can do for you personally.

For more information, check out our Facebook page at @ShastaSBDC, or our website:

About the Shasta-Cascade SBDC: Over the years, the Shasta-Cascade Small Business Development Center (SBDC) has helped small businesses in Shasta and Trinity Counties secure nearly $40 million in funding and increase their annual sales by over $50 million. During that time, our clients have started over 200 new businesses and created over 1,200 new jobs. The SBDC is a non-profit organization, mostly funded by the U.S. Small Business Administration and the California Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) in partnership with Cal-Poly Humboldt University. In addition to workshops and trainings (such as the Capital Summit), SBDC advisors work with business clients in confidential, no-cost, one-on-one relationships by offering their guidance and expertise to help build better businesses.
