Real testimonies from REAL SBDC clients.
It’s been nothing but a positive experience. [Our advisor], Molly O’Kane has been a saving grace – she helped us a lot, making us aware of things we never would have known. She helped us to get a grant that allowed us to remodel the studio.
– Diandra Thompson, Co-owner of FTK Martial Arts
The SBDC wrapped their arms around us via email and encouraged us, gave us the latest info on the loans, and were very consistent in responding to me when I had any questions. They have been absolutely instrumental in supporting us in whatever things pop up.
Tara Mel, Freeline Surf Shop – Santa Cruz
Every time something went wrong I was on the phone with SBDC. Louise Dawson from the Restaurant Program was always connecting me to someone who would at least give me a second opinion so I didn’t have to navigate my problems alone. SBDC were the only ones I could count on.
Diane Long, Burger I M – Dixon
We had zero experience with numbers and at times we were frustrated about having to learn so many things, but now we know how to price and we understand our budget. If you are patient and listen, you will be able to thrive with the SBDC’s help. I can’t believe all this was free!
Mieko SCOTT, Hella Nuts – Oakland
We appreciate all the help the SBDC gave us in completing our business plan and loan application which helped us obtain our loan to purchase our building.
Rey Almazan, Rey’s Window Tinting & Auto Security – Stockton
We’re quick learners and West gave us the education we needed to begin. Also, when you’re changing your life in such a big way, it’s emotional and West was a voice of reason, which helped us to make good decisions. They kept us focused on facts.
Aspen Logan, The Color Mill – Mendocino
I couldn’t be happier with the support we’ve gotten from Tech Futures Group. It’s clear that without this help, we wouldn’t have realized the successes that we have today. [My advisor’s] clear-thinking, practical, creative, and smart advice has helped me get through some of the biggest challenges we’ve faced so far.
Jonathan LaRiviere, Scoot Science – Santa Cruz
The SBDC has been so valuable to us as new business owners. Our advisor helped us from the very beginning with everything from getting our business started to managing our cash flow and inventory, to recently expanding our business to a new location. We are so grateful for all the help and guidance we’ve been given for FREE through the SBDC.
Hannah Stubblefield, Wonderland Toys & Classroom Resources – Santa Cruz
We love working with our SBDC advisor. He has helped us a great deal all along the way in determining a timeline of priorities, projected costs as needed for funding, financials review, strategic planning, and cash flow analysis.
Joanne Hansen and Audrey Haglund, Old Chicago Pizza – Petaluma
North Coast SBDC’s online loan resources were crucial for our early funding. The info was quick and right there and thanks to it we were part of the first wave of PPP loans.
Dustin Taylor, Dick Taylor Craft Chocolate – Eureka
…I have been listening to all of the webinars – great information where people can ask questions and they answer them.
The staff was amazing and very helpful, during the Covid-19 I recommended SBDC to a lot of friends. I feel that without [my advisor] this would have been a more difficult time for us.
Charles Byerly, Mary’s Pizza – Redding
When my staff had questions about EDD, they got me information that helped us work towards solutions. You can’t be a passive bystander – you have to seek out the help, but the help is there.
Meredith Maier, Six Rivers Brewery – McKinleyville
SBDC‘s Tech Future’s Group Advisor, Hon Wong became our sounding board. He gave me confidence that the decisions we were making were the right decisions. I don’t think we could have made it to where we are now without Hon, or let me rephrase that – it would have been a lot more painful to get where we are now.
Matt Salisbury, Ntropy Data – San Francisco
We would have been lost without Oscar [the Director of the SBDC’s Affiliate Program, the California Hispanic Chambers of Commerce]. He connected us with a loan officer who ended up giving us the loan and he also helped us to tell our story to the loan officer.
Brooke Murillo, Tapa the World – Sacramento