Business Recovery Series: Preparing Your Business for the Next Disaster

Sep 14 9:00 am — 10:00 am

Event Details

It’s human nature to think that disasters will happen to the other guy . . .

But, since 2018, we have seen a lot of disasters in our area — fires, the drought, the pandemic . . .

They aren’t just happening to the other guy. In the northstate, they’re happening to us.

To protect our businesses we must be prepared for disasters to strike and plan for recovery. This webinar will cover:

  • An overview of business insurance
  • The importance of financial preparation
  • Preserving human capital and
  • Tools and a support system


Loree Byzick served as the Special Projects Manager at Superior California Economic Development for over 15 years. She is well-grounded in the unique community and economic development challenges of rural communities. Loree led efforts to develop microenterprise development programs in three rural Northern California counties and still serves as a local small business resource.

*As part of the “Recovery Series”. we will begin this webinar with a brief overview from the SBA about the current recovery funding still available.


Register for this event through Eventbrite.
